Video chat in real-time
npm install framer-motion lucide-react
It will create a new file video-chat.tsx inside the components/animata/widget directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/widget && touch components/animata/widget/video-chat.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { useState } from "react"; import Image, { StaticImageData } from "next/image"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import { Circle, LogOut, Maximize, Maximize2, Mic, Monitor, Slash, Square, VideoIcon, } from "lucide-react"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; import Hills from "@/public/bg-hills.jpg"; import Music from "@/public/widget/music.jpg"; interface SquareDivProps { bgColor?: string; children: React.ReactNode; onClick?: () => void; } interface ImageSlotProps { minimize: boolean; imageSource: StaticImageData; imageAlternate: string; } interface ControlIconStateProps { iconState: { Mic: boolean; Screen: boolean; Video: boolean; }; toggleIconState: (icon: keyof ControlIconStateProps["iconState"]) => void; } function SquareDiv({ bgColor = "bg-green-600", children, onClick }: SquareDivProps) { return ( <div className={cn("flex h-6 w-6 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-md", bgColor)} onClick={onClick} > {children} </div> ); } function ImageSlot({ minimize, imageSource, imageAlternate }: ImageSlotProps) { return ( <motion.div layout transition={{ duration: 0.5 }} className={cn(minimize ? "h-48 w-full" : "h-56 w-56")} > <Image src={imageSource} alt={imageAlternate} className={cn("h-full w-full object-cover", minimize ? "rounded-xl" : "rounded-3xl")} /> </motion.div> ); } function YourImageSlot({ minimize, imageSource, imageAlternate }: ImageSlotProps) { return ( <motion.div layout transition={{ duration: 0.5 }} className={cn(minimize ? "absolute bottom-2 right-0 h-20 w-20" : "h-56 w-56")} > <Image src={imageSource} alt={imageAlternate} className={cn("h-full w-full object-cover", minimize ? "rounded-xl" : "rounded-3xl")} /> </motion.div> ); } function ControlIconState({ iconState, toggleIconState }: ControlIconStateProps) { return ( <div className="flex items-center justify-center gap-1"> <SquareDiv onClick={() => toggleIconState("Mic")}> <Mic size={18}>{iconState.Mic && <Slash />}</Mic> </SquareDiv> <SquareDiv bgColor="bg-slate-400" onClick={() => toggleIconState("Screen")}> <Monitor size={18}>{iconState.Screen && <Slash />}</Monitor> </SquareDiv> <SquareDiv onClick={() => toggleIconState("Video")}> <VideoIcon fill="white" size={18}> {iconState.Video && <Slash />} </VideoIcon> </SquareDiv> <SquareDiv bgColor="bg-red-600"> <LogOut size={18} /> </SquareDiv> </div> ); } const persons = [ { title: "Ram", image: Music, }, { title: "Rick", image: Hills, }, { title: "Alex", image: Hills, }, ]; export default function VideoChat() { const [minimize, setMinimize] = useState(false); const [iconState, setIconState] = useState({ Mic: false, Screen: true, Video: false, }); const width = minimize ? "max-w-52" : "max-w-[480px]"; const toggleIconState = (icon: keyof typeof iconState) => { setIconState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, [icon]: !prevState[icon], })); }; return ( <motion.div layout transition={{ duration: 0.5 }} className={cn( "mx-auto select-none bg-gray-700 text-white", width, minimize ? "rounded-xl" : "rounded-3xl", )} > <div className="flex items-center justify-between rounded-lg px-4 py-2"> <div className="flex items-center gap-1"> <Circle fill="red" stroke="none" size={14} /> <Circle fill="yellow" stroke="none" size={14} /> <Circle fill="green" stroke="none" size={14} /> </div> {!minimize && <ControlIconState iconState={iconState} toggleIconState={toggleIconState} />} <div className="flex items-center gap-2"> <button onClick={() => setMinimize(!minimize)}> {minimize ? ( <div className="relative flex"> <Maximize size={16} /> <Maximize2 className="absolute" size={16} /> </div> ) : ( <div className="relative flex"> <Square size={14} /> <Square className="absolute -bottom-[1px] -left-[1px]" fill="white" size={10} /> </div> )} </button> <div className="flex gap-1"> <Circle fill="white" size={6} /> <Circle fill="white" size={6} /> <Circle fill="white" size={6} /> </div> </div> </div> <motion.div layout transition={{ duration: 0.5 }} className={cn( "relative grid grid-cols-1 place-items-center gap-2", minimize ? "grid-rows-3" : "grid-cols-2", )} > {, index) => ( <ImageSlot key={index} minimize={minimize} imageAlternate={person.title} imageSource={person.image} /> ))} <YourImageSlot minimize={minimize} imageAlternate="Your Name" imageSource={Music} /> </motion.div> </motion.div> ); }
Built by Aashish Katila
Inspired by Video
Photo by Hongru Wang on Unsplash Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash