A stack of cards that will reveal on hover and spread on click.
It will create a new file card-spread.tsx inside the components/animata/card directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/card && touch components/animata/card/card-spread.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { useState } from "react"; import Notes, { NotesCard } from "@/animata/widget/notes"; import ShoppingList from "@/animata/widget/shopping-list"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; function Reminders() { return ( <ShoppingList title="Reminders" data={[ { title: "book museum tickets" }, { title: "buy groceries", checked: true }, { title: "call mom" }, ]} /> ); } function RemodelNotes() { return ( <NotesCard title="Kitchen Remodel Ideas"> <div>Install a farmhouse sink for a rustic touch</div> <div>Use classic subway tiles</div> <div>Add an island for extra counter space</div> <div>Opt for open shelving</div> </NotesCard> ); } const cards = [ { component: Notes, rotationClass: "", revealClass: "-rotate-[2deg]", }, { component: ShoppingList, rotationClass: "group-hover:rotate-[15deg]", revealClass: "rotate-[3deg] translate-y-2", }, { component: RemodelNotes, rotationClass: "group-hover:rotate-[30deg]", revealClass: "-rotate-[2deg] translate-x-1", }, { component: Reminders, rotationClass: "group-hover:rotate-[45deg]", revealClass: "rotate-[2deg]", }, ]; export default function CardSpread() { const [isExpanded, setExpanded] = useState(false); return ( <div className={cn( "group relative flex min-h-80 min-w-52 items-center transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out", { "origin-bottom transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out hover:-rotate-[15deg]": !isExpanded, "gap-3": isExpanded, }, )} > {cards.map((item, index) => { return ( <div key={index} onClick={(e) => { setExpanded(!isExpanded); e.preventDefault(); }} className={cn( "transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out", { absolute: !isExpanded, "origin-bottom": !isExpanded, }, !isExpanded && item.rotationClass, isExpanded && item.revealClass, )} > <item.component /> </div> ); })} </div> ); }
Built by sudha