A preloader component that makes transition to any section look vivid
npm install framer-motion lucide-react
It will create a new file vertical-tiles.tsx inside the components/animata/preloader directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/preloader && touch components/animata/preloader/vertical-tiles.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { motion, useInView } from "framer-motion"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; interface Tile { id: number; width: number; order: number; } interface VerticalTilesProps { tileClassName?: string; minTileWidth?: number; animationDuration?: number; animationDelay?: number; stagger?: number; children?: React.ReactNode; } export default function VerticalTiles({ tileClassName, minTileWidth = 32, animationDuration = 0.5, animationDelay = 1, stagger = 0.05, children, }: VerticalTilesProps) { const [tiles, setTiles] = useState<Tile[]>([]); const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const isInView = useInView(containerRef, { once: true, amount: 0.3 }); const calculateTiles = useCallback(() => { if (containerRef.current) { const { offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: _ } = containerRef.current; const tileCount = Math.max(3, Math.floor(width / minTileWidth)); const tileWidth = width / tileCount + 1; const newTiles = Array.from({ length: tileCount }, (_, index) => ({ id: index, width: tileWidth, order: Math.abs(index - Math.floor((tileCount - 1) / 2)), })); setTiles(newTiles); } }, [minTileWidth]); useEffect(() => { calculateTiles(); const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(calculateTiles); if (containerRef.current) { resizeObserver.observe(containerRef.current); } return () => resizeObserver.disconnect(); }, [calculateTiles]); return ( <div ref={containerRef} className="relative overflow-hidden"> {children} <div className="absolute inset-0 flex"> {tiles.map((tile) => ( <motion.div key={tile.id} className={cn("bg-gray-800", tileClassName)} style={{ width: tile.width, position: "absolute", left: `${(tile.id * 100) / tiles.length}%`, top: 0, height: "100%", }} initial={{ y: 0 }} animate={isInView ? { y: "100%" } : { y: 0 }} transition={{ duration: animationDuration, delay: animationDelay + tile.order * stagger, ease: [0.45, 0, 0.55, 1], }} /> ))} </div> </div> ); }
Built by SatyamVyas04
Inspired by SteviaPlease.me