A widget that shows the distance covered and heart-rate of cyclist
It will create a new file called cycling.tsx inside the components/animata/widget directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/widget && touch components/animata/widget/cycling.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { BikeIcon } from "lucide-react"; import Progress from "@/animata/graphs/progress"; import SwapText from "@/animata/text/swap-text"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; function CardStack() { const backgroundCards = [ "bg-blue-500/20", "bg-yellow-500/30 ", "bg-green-500/40", "bg-red-500/50", ]; const goal = 15; const progress = 30; return ( <div className="relative w-full flex-1 place-content-end self-center"> {backgroundCards.map((card, index) => ( <div key={card} className={cn("mx-auto mb-[1px] h-[6px] rounded", card)} style={{ width: `calc(100% - ${(backgroundCards.length - index) * 16}px)`, }} /> ))} <div className="rounded-md bg-pink-500 px-4 py-2"> <h3 className="text-md flex justify-between font-bold"> <span>Goal</span> <SwapText initialText={`${goal}km`} finalText={`${(goal * progress) / 100}km`} textClassName="text-md text-gray-300" /> </h3> <Progress progress={progress} /> </div> </div> ); } export default function Cycling({ className, title = "Cycling", }: { className?: string; title?: string; }) { return ( <div className={cn("group flex h-52 w-52 flex-col rounded-3xl bg-zinc-900 p-4", className)}> <div className="flex justify-between gap-2"> <div> <div className="rounded-full bg-yellow-400/10 p-2"> <BikeIcon size={24} className="text-yellow-400" /> </div> </div> <div className="flex-1 text-right"> <span className="block text-xl font-bold uppercase text-gray-400">{title}</span> <span className="-mt-1 block text-sm text-gray-300">2h 30m</span> </div> </div> <CardStack /> <div className="mt-1 flex items-center justify-center gap-2"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 47.5 47.5" id="heart" width={16} height={16} className="group-hover:animate-pulse group-active:animate-pulse" > <defs> <clipPath id="a"> <path d="M0 38h38V0H0v38Z"></path> </clipPath> </defs> <g clipPath="url(#a)" transform="matrix(1.25 0 0 -1.25 0 47.5)"> <path fill="#be1931" d="M36.885 25.166c0 5.45-4.418 9.868-9.867 9.868-3.308 0-6.227-1.633-8.018-4.129-1.79 2.496-4.71 4.129-8.017 4.129-5.45 0-9.868-4.418-9.868-9.868 0-.772.098-1.52.266-2.241C2.752 14.413 12.216 5.431 19 2.965c6.783 2.466 16.249 11.448 17.617 1.469.268 2.241" /> </g> </svg> <p className="mr-2 text-sm text-white"> <strong>188</strong> BPM </p> <p className="text-sm text-white"> <strong>130</strong> AVG </p> </div> </div> ); }