A hero section with interactivity
theme: { extend: { keyframes: { fadeIn: { from: { opacity: "0" }, to: { opacity: "1" }, }, }, }, animation: { fadeIn: "fadeIn 0.5s ease-in", }, },
It will create a new file called hero-section.tsx inside the components/animata/hero directory.
touch components/animata/hero/hero-section.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { useState } from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; import { Button as UIButton } from "@/components/ui/button"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; import animataImage from "@/public/android-chrome-192x192.png"; import TypingText from "../text/typing-text"; import WaveReveal from "../text/wave-reveal"; import Cycling from "../widget/cycling"; import DirectionCard, { testDirectionProps } from "../widget/direction-card"; import WaterTracker from "../widget/water-tracker"; // Button Component function Button({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( <UIButton className="w-32 bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-400 to-sky-300"> <p>{children}</p> </UIButton> ); } // ImageWithWave Component function ImageWithWave() { return ( <div className="title-logo relative inline-block self-center md:self-start"> <Image width={100} height={100} src={animataImage} className="-top-6 h-10 w-10 translate-y-5 animate-fadeIn fade-in-0 md:-top-10 md:h-16 md:w-16 md:translate-y-0" alt="Hero image" /> <WaveReveal className="my-4 pl-[0px] text-slate-300 sm:text-[60px] md:px-0 md:text-[70px] lg:text-[80px]" text="ANIMATA" /> </div> ); } // CardLabel Component function CardLabel({ text }: { text: string }) { return ( <div className="mb-3 mt-2 flex w-full justify-center rounded-xl bg-slate-800 p-2"> <TypingText repeat={false} className="w-full self-start text-yellow-300" text={text} /> </div> ); } // Card Component function Card({ card, index, stackAlign }: { card: string; index: number; stackAlign: boolean }) { const cardContent = () => { switch (card) { case "card1": return ( <> <Cycling /> <CardLabel text="Cycling Card" /> </> ); case "card2": return ( <> <DirectionCard {...testDirectionProps} /> <CardLabel text="Direction Card" /> </> ); case "card3": return ( <> <WaterTracker dailyGoal={3000} /> <CardLabel text="Water Tracker" /> </> ); default: return null; } }; return ( <div style={{ boxShadow: index !== 2 ? "inset 0px -10px 30px 0px #1e293b" : "none" }} key={index} className={cn( `absolute inset-0 text-center text-gray-800 z-${index} ${card} my-6 flex h-full w-full flex-col items-center justify-around rounded-2xl transition-all duration-700 ease-out`, card === "card1" && stackAlign && "ml-8 md:ml-0", card === "card2" && (!stackAlign ? "-rotate-[15deg]" : "-left-8 ml-8 rotate-0 md:ml-0"), card === "card3" && (!stackAlign ? "rotate-[15deg]" : "-left-16 ml-8 rotate-0 md:ml-0"), index === 0 && "scale-90 bg-slate-900", index === 1 && "scale-95 bg-slate-700", index === 2 && `scale-100 bg-slate-500 ${stackAlign && "bg-slate-600"}`, )} > <div className="component-container mt-6 flex h-full flex-col justify-around"> {cardContent()} </div> </div> ); } // InfoContainer Component function InfoContainer({ changeStackAlign }: { changeStackAlign: (card: string) => void }) { const underlinedWord = (text: string, card: string) => ( <span onMouseOver={() => changeStackAlign(card)} className="cursor-pointer underline decoration-yellow-300 decoration-wavy" > {" "} {text} </span> ); return ( <div className="info-container flex flex-col items-center md:w-[60%] md:items-start"> <ImageWithWave /> <p className="w-full animate-fadeIn text-center text-lg leading-8 text-gray-300 md:w-[80%] md:text-left"> Hand-crafted ✍️ interaction animations and effects from around the internet, designed to be{" "} {underlinedWord("Beautiful", "card1")}, {underlinedWord("Functional", "card2")}, and{" "} {underlinedWord("Interactive", "card3")} 🌍. Ready to copy and paste into your project to enhance its aesthetic and usability. </p> <div className="mt-6 flex animate-fadeIn justify-center gap-2 md:justify-start"> <Button>Documentation</Button> <Button>Contribute</Button> </div> </div> ); } // HeroSection Component function HeroSection({ className }: { className?: string }) { const [stackAlign, setStackAlign] = useState(false); const [cardStack, setCardStack] = useState(["card3", "card2", "card1"]); const cardStacks: { [key: string]: string[] } = { card1: ["card3", "card2", "card1"], card2: ["card3", "card1", "card2"], card3: ["card1", "card2", "card3"], }; const changeStackAlign = (card: string) => { setStackAlign(true); const newStack = cardStacks[card]; if (newStack) { setCardStack(newStack); } }; return ( <div className={cn("hero-container dark:bg-slate-800", className)}> <div className="inner-container m-auto flex h-full w-[90%] flex-col items-center justify-around dark:bg-slate-800 md:flex-row"> <InfoContainer changeStackAlign={changeStackAlign} /> <div className="card-stack-container flex animate-fadeIn items-center justify-center md:m-0 md:w-[40%]"> <div className="cards relative flex h-[350px] w-[280px] items-center justify-between md:h-[350px] md:w-[300px]"> {cardStack.map((card, index) => ( <Card key={index} card={card} index={index} stackAlign={stackAlign} /> ))} </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default HeroSection;
Built by Aadarsh Baral