Show double underline for the text on hover or click
It will create a new file called double-underline.tsx inside the components/animata/text directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/text && touch components/animata/text/double-underline.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export default function DoubleUnderline({ className, children, ...props }: React.HTMLProps<HTMLSpanElement>) { const common = "absolute h-px w-full bg-blue-500 transition-all duration-200 group-hover:opacity-50 dark:bg-white/70"; return ( <span {...props} className={cn("group relative inline-block cursor-pointer text-blue-500", className)} > {children} <span className={cn( common, "pointer-events-none left-0 top-[calc(100%_-_2px)] group-hover:top-0", )} /> <span className={cn(common, "-bottom-[2px] left-0")} /> </span> ); }
Built by hari