A circular flower menu with several icons and a central close button.
It will create a new file flower-menu.tsx inside the components/animata/list directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/list && touch components/animata/list/flower-menu.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { useState } from "react"; import Link from "next/link"; type MenuItem = { icon: React.ComponentType<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>; href: string; }; type FlowerMenuProps = { menuItems: MenuItem[]; iconColor?: string; backgroundColor?: string; animationDuration?: number; togglerSize?: number; }; const MenuToggler = ({ isOpen, onChange, backgroundColor, iconColor, animationDuration, togglerSize, iconSize, }: { isOpen: boolean; onChange: () => void; backgroundColor: string; iconColor: string; animationDuration: number; togglerSize: number; iconSize: number; }) => { const lineHeight = iconSize * 0.1; const lineWidth = iconSize * 0.8; const lineSpacing = iconSize * 0.25; return ( <> <input id="menu-toggler" type="checkbox" checked={isOpen} onChange={onChange} className="absolute inset-0 z-10 m-auto cursor-pointer opacity-0" style={{ width: togglerSize, height: togglerSize }} /> <label htmlFor="menu-toggler" className="absolute inset-0 z-20 m-auto flex cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full transition-all" style={{ backgroundColor, color: iconColor, transitionDuration: `${animationDuration}ms`, width: togglerSize, height: togglerSize, }} > <span className="relative flex flex-col items-center justify-center" style={{ width: iconSize, height: iconSize }} > {[0, 1, 2].map((i) => ( <span key={i} className={`absolute bg-current transition-all ${ isOpen && i === 0 ? "opacity-0" : isOpen ? `${i === 1 ? "rotate-45" : "-rotate-45"}` : "" }`} style={{ transitionDuration: `${animationDuration}ms`, width: lineWidth, height: lineHeight, top: isOpen ? `calc(50% - ${lineHeight / 2}px)` : `calc(50% + ${(i - 1) * lineSpacing}px - ${lineHeight / 2}px)`, }} /> ))} </span> </label> </> ); }; const MenuItem = ({ item, index, isOpen, iconColor, backgroundColor, animationDuration, itemCount, itemSize, iconSize, }: { item: MenuItem; index: number; isOpen: boolean; iconColor: string; backgroundColor: string; animationDuration: number; itemCount: number; itemSize: number; iconSize: number; }) => { const Icon = item.icon; return ( <li className={`absolute inset-0 m-auto transition-all ${isOpen ? "opacity-100" : "opacity-0"}`} style={{ width: itemSize, height: itemSize, transform: isOpen ? `rotate(${(360 / itemCount) * index}deg) translateX(-${itemSize + 30}px)` : "none", transitionDuration: `${animationDuration}ms`, }} > <Link href={item.href} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className={`flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-full opacity-60 transition-all duration-100 ${ isOpen ? "pointer-events-auto" : "pointer-events-none" } group hover:scale-125 hover:opacity-100`} style={{ backgroundColor, color: iconColor, transform: `rotate(-${(360 / itemCount) * index}deg)`, transitionDuration: `${animationDuration}ms`, }} > <Icon className="transition-transform duration-200 group-hover:scale-125" style={{ width: iconSize, height: iconSize }} /> </Link> </li> ); }; export default function FlowerMenu({ menuItems, iconColor = "white", backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)", animationDuration = 500, togglerSize = 40, }: FlowerMenuProps) { const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false); const itemCount = menuItems.length; const itemSize = togglerSize * 2; const iconSize = Math.max(24, Math.floor(togglerSize * 0.6)); return ( <nav className="relative min-h-64" style={{ width: togglerSize * 3, height: togglerSize * 3 }}> <MenuToggler isOpen={isOpen} onChange={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)} backgroundColor={backgroundColor} iconColor={iconColor} animationDuration={animationDuration} togglerSize={togglerSize} iconSize={iconSize} /> <ul className="absolute inset-0 m-0 h-full w-full list-none p-0"> {menuItems.map((item, index) => ( <MenuItem key={index} item={item} index={index} isOpen={isOpen} iconColor={iconColor} backgroundColor={backgroundColor} animationDuration={animationDuration} itemCount={itemCount} itemSize={itemSize} iconSize={iconSize} /> ))} </ul> </nav> ); }
Built by Arjun Vijay Prakash.