An intro hero inspired by Slack's intro screen.
This uses WaveReveal for the text. Install it by following the instructions here. You can use simple text only if you don't want to use WaveReveal.
It will create a new file called slack-intro.tsx inside the components/animata/hero directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/hero && touch components/animata/hero/slack-intro.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import WaveReveal from "@/animata/text/wave-reveal"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export interface CircleProps { height?: string; width?: string; bgColor?: string; borderRadius?: string; } interface CylinderProps { text?: string; height?: string; width?: string; bgColor?: string; } interface LineProps { className?: string; animationEnd: boolean; } function Circle({ height = "h-8 md:h-16", width = "w-8 md:w-16", bgColor = "bg-yellow-500", borderRadius = "rounded-full", }: CircleProps) { return <div className={cn(height, width, borderRadius, bgColor)} />; } function Cylinder({ text, height = "h-8 md:h-16", width = "w-24 md:w-48", bgColor = "bg-slate-100", }: CylinderProps) { return ( <div className={cn( "relative flex items-center justify-center rounded-full", height, width, bgColor, )} > <WaveReveal className={cn("min-w-fit px-4 text-xl font-bold text-purple-950 md:px-6 md:text-6xl")} text={text ?? ""} blur={false} direction="up" delay={200} duration="1000ms" /> </div> ); } function LineOne({ className, animationEnd }: LineProps) { return ( <div className={cn( className, "duration-500", animationEnd ? "animate-out fade-out slide-out-to-left-full" : "animate-in fade-in slide-in-from-right-full", )} > <Circle bgColor="bg-green-500" borderRadius="rounded-t-full rounded-bl-full" /> <Circle /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-purple-700" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-yellow-500" width="w-56 md:w-[300px]" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-yellow-500" /> </div> ); } function LineTwo({ className, animationEnd }: LineProps) { return ( <div className={cn( className, "duration-700", animationEnd ? "animate-out fade-out slide-out-to-right-full" : "animate-in fade-in slide-in-from-left-full", )} > <Circle bgColor="bg-green-500" /> <Cylinder text="Introducing" width="w-64 md:w-[400px]" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-green-500" borderRadius="rounded-t-full rounded-bl-full" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-green-500" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-purple-700" /> </div> ); } function LineThree({ className, animationEnd }: LineProps) { return ( <div className={cn( className, "duration-700", animationEnd ? "animate-out fade-out slide-out-to-left-full" : "animate-in fade-in slide-in-from-right-full", )} > <Cylinder bgColor="bg-blue-400" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-purple-700" borderRadius="rounded-t-full rounded-br-full" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-blue-400" /> <Cylinder text="the new" width="w-64 md:w-[600px]" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-purple-700" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-blue-400" /> </div> ); } function LineFour({ className, animationEnd }: LineProps) { return ( <div className={cn( className, "duration-700", animationEnd ? "animate-out fade-out slide-out-to-right-full" : "animate-in fade-in slide-in-from-left-full", )} > <Circle bgColor="bg-red-500" /> <Cylinder text="User Experience" width="w-96 md:w-[700px]" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-red-500" borderRadius="rounded-t-full rounded-br-full" /> </div> ); } function LineFive({ className, animationEnd }: LineProps) { return ( <div className={cn( className, animationEnd ? "animate-out fade-out slide-out-to-left-full" : "animate-in fade-in slide-in-from-right-full", )} > <Cylinder bgColor="bg-purple-700" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-yellow-500" width="w-32 md:w-[400px]" /> <Circle bgColor="bg-yellow-500" /> <Cylinder bgColor="bg-purple-700" /> </div> ); } export default function SlackIntro({ animateOut, }: { /** * If true, the lines will animate out */ animateOut?: boolean; }) { const [animationEnd, setAnimationEnd] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { if (!animateOut) { return; } const timer = setTimeout(() => { setAnimationEnd(true); }, 3000); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }, [animateOut]); const common = "flex duration-1000 ease-in-out fill-mode-forwards"; return ( <div className={cn( "flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-1 overflow-hidden bg-purple-950 py-4 md:gap-3", )} > <LineOne className={common} animationEnd={animationEnd} /> <LineTwo className={common} animationEnd={animationEnd} /> <LineThree className={common} animationEnd={animationEnd} /> <LineFour className={common} animationEnd={animationEnd} /> <LineFive className={common} animationEnd={animationEnd} /> </div> ); }
Built by Aashish Katila
Inspired by Video