List component with orbiting items. The items orbit around the center of the list.
Add the following to your tailwind.config.js file.
module.exports = { theme: { extend: { keyframes: { "rotate-full": { "0%": { transform: "rotate(0deg)" }, "100%": { transform: "rotate(360deg)" }, }, }, } } }
It will create a new file orbiting-items.tsx inside the components/animata/list directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/list && touch components/animata/list/orbiting-items.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { Icons } from "@/components/icons"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export const testOrbitingItems = [ <Icons.gitHub key="github" className="h-6 w-6" />, <Icons.twitter key="twitter" className="h-6 w-6" />, <Icons.react key="yarn" className="h-6 w-6" />, <Icons.tailwind key="tailwind" className="h-6 w-6" />, <Icons.framerMotion key="framer" className="h-6 w-6" />, < key="apple" className="h-6 w-6" />, ]; interface OrbitingItemsProps { /** * The radius of the circle in percentage, relative to the container. */ radius: number; /** * The items to orbit around the center of the parent element. */ items: React.ReactNode[]; /** * Pause the animation when the parent element is hovered. */ pauseOnHover?: boolean; /** * Class name for the background element. */ backgroundClassName?: string; /** * Class name for the container element. */ containerClassName?: string; /** * Additional classes for the item container. */ className?: string; } const calculateItemStyle = ({ index, radius, totalItems, }: { radius: number; index: number; totalItems: number; }) => { const angle = (index / totalItems) * 360; const radians = (angle * Math.PI) / 180; const x = radius * Math.cos(radians); const y = radius * Math.sin(radians); return { left: `${50 + x}%`, top: `${50 + y}%`, transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)", }; }; export default function OrbitingItems({ radius = 50, items = testOrbitingItems, pauseOnHover, backgroundClassName, containerClassName, className, }: OrbitingItemsProps) { // The idea is to distribute the items in a circle around the center of the parent element. // Then the whole parent element rotates around its center. // The items rotate in the opposite direction to the parent element so they appear to be stationary. const reverse = cn( "animate-[rotate-full_45s] transition-transform ease-linear direction-reverse repeat-infinite", { "group-hover:[animation-play-state:paused]": pauseOnHover, }, ); return ( <div className={cn( "storybook-fix group flex items-center justify-center py-32", containerClassName, )} > <div className={cn( "absolute inset-0 h-full w-full items-center [background:radial-gradient(125%_125%_at_50%_10%,#030637_30%,#10439F_100%)]", backgroundClassName, )} /> <div className={cn( "relative flex h-64 w-64 animate-[rotate-full_45s] items-center justify-center ease-linear repeat-infinite", { "group-hover:[animation-play-state:paused]": pauseOnHover, }, className, )} > <div className="absolute h-full w-full rounded-full border-2 border-gray-500" /> {, index) => { return ( <div key={index} className="absolute flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-gray-200" style={calculateItemStyle({ index, radius, totalItems: items.length, })} > <div className={reverse}>{item}</div> </div> ); })} <div className={cn("absolute h-1/2 w-1/2 rounded-full border-2 border-gray-700", reverse)} /> </div> </div> ); }
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