Run the following command It will create a new file called progress.tsx
inside the components/animata/graphs
mkdir -p components/animata/graphs && touch components/animata/graphs/progress.tsx
Copy Paste the code Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react" ;
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" ;
export default function Progress ({ progress } : { progress : number }) {
const [ width , setWidth ] = useState ( 0 );
const barWidth = 2 ;
const gap = 2 ;
const bars = Math. floor (width / (barWidth + gap));
const containerRef = useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
useEffect (() => {
setWidth (containerRef.current?.offsetWidth ?? 0 );
}, []);
const [ shouldUseValue , setShouldUseValue ] = useState ( false );
useEffect (() => {
const timeout = setTimeout (() => {
// This is a hack to force the animation to run for the first time.
// We can use framer-motion to achieve this but just keeping it simple for now.
setShouldUseValue ( true );
}, 250 );
return () => clearTimeout (timeout);
}, []);
return (
< div
ref = {containerRef}
className = "relative flex h-[12px] w-full min-w-4 flex-wrap gap-[2px] overflow-hidden"
{Array. from ( Array (bars)). map (( _ , index ) => {
const highlight = shouldUseValue ? index / bars < progress / 100 : 0 ;
return (
< div
className = { cn ( "h-full w-[2px] rounded-[1px] transition-all" , {
"bg-blue-100 duration-75 group-hover:rounded group-hover:bg-zinc-50 group-active:rounded group-active:bg-zinc-50" :
"bg-zinc-900/30 duration-300 group-hover:scale-75 group-hover:bg-zinc-900/15 group-active:scale-75 group-active:bg-zinc-900/15" :
! highlight,
style = {{
transitionDelay: highlight ? `${ index * 24 }ms` : "0ms" ,
key = { `bar_${ index }` }
</ div >