Mirror Text

Mirror Text

An effect where given text has the mirror/clone text and follows it.

requires interactionhover


Update tailwind.config.js

theme: {
    extend: {
     colors: {
        foreground: "hsl(var(--foreground))",

Run the following command

It will create a new file called mirror-text.tsx inside the components/animata/text directory.

mkdir -p components/animata/text && touch components/animata/text/mirror-text.tsx

Paste the code

Open the newly created file and paste the following code:

import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
export default function MirrorText({
  text = "This is a text",
  direction = "up",
}: {
  text: string;
  className?: string;
   * The direction of the animation
   * @default "up"
  direction?: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right";
}) {
  const animation = cn("transition-all duration-500 ease-slow", {
    "group-hover:-translate-y-4": direction === "up",
    "group-hover:translate-y-4": direction === "down",
    "group-hover:-translate-x-4": direction === "left",
    "group-hover:translate-x-4": direction === "right",
  const content = (
    <div className={cn("inline-block text-4xl font-light uppercase leading-none", className)}>
  return (
    <div className="group relative w-full justify-end overflow-hidden p-6 text-foreground">
      <div className={cn("h-3 overflow-hidden delay-200", animation)}>{content}</div>
      <div className={cn("h-3 overflow-hidden delay-100", animation)}>{content}</div>
      <div className={cn("h-3 overflow-hidden delay-75", animation)}>{content}</div>
      <div className={animation}>{content}</div>


Built by hari