Creates a typing effect for given text
It will create a new file called typing-text.tsx inside the components/animata/text directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/text && touch components/animata/text/typing-text.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { ReactNode, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; interface TypingTextProps { /** * Text to type */ text: string; /** * Delay between typing each character or word (smooth mode) in milliseconds * @default 32 */ delay?: number; /** * If true, the text will be erased after typing and then typed again. */ repeat?: boolean; /** * Custom cursor to show at the end of the text. * Applies only when `smooth` is false. */ cursor?: ReactNode; /** * Additional classes to apply to the container */ className?: string; /** * If true, the container will grow to fit the text as it types */ grow?: boolean; /** * Number of characters to keep always visible */ alwaysVisibleCount?: number; /** * If true, the typing effect will be smooth instead of typing one character at a time. * Looks better for multiple words. */ smooth?: boolean; /** * Time to wait before starting the next cycle of typing * Applies only when `repeat` is true. * * @default 1000 * */ waitTime?: number; /** * Callback function to be called when the typing is complete */ onComplete?: () => void; /** * If true, the cursor will be hidden after typing is complete * @default false */ hideCursorOnComplete?: boolean; } function Blinker() { const [show, setShow] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { setShow((prev) => !prev); }, 500); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); return <span className={show ? "" : "opacity-0"}>|</span>; } function SmoothEffect({ words, index, alwaysVisibleCount, }: { words: string[]; index: number; alwaysVisibleCount: number; }) { return ( <div className="flex flex-wrap whitespace-pre"> {, wordIndex) => { return ( <span key={wordIndex} className={cn("transition-opacity duration-300 ease-in-out", { "opacity-100": wordIndex < index, "opacity-0": wordIndex >= index + alwaysVisibleCount, })} > {word} {wordIndex < words.length && <span> </span>} </span> ); })} </div> ); } function NormalEffect({ text, index, alwaysVisibleCount, }: { text: string; index: number; alwaysVisibleCount: number; }) { return <>{text.slice(0, Math.max(index, Math.min(text.length, alwaysVisibleCount ?? 1)))}</>; } enum TypingDirection { Forward = 1, Backward = -1, } function CursorWrapper({ visible, children, waiting, }: { visible?: boolean; waiting?: boolean; children: ReactNode; }) { const [on, setOn] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { setOn((prev) => !prev); }, 100); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); if (!visible || (!on && !waiting)) { return null; } return children; } function Type({ text, repeat, cursor, delay, grow, className, alwaysVisibleCount, smooth, waitTime = 1000, onComplete, hideCursorOnComplete, }: TypingTextProps) { const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); const [direction, setDirection] = useState<TypingDirection>(TypingDirection.Forward); const [isComplete, setIsComplete] = useState(false); const words = useMemo(() => text.split(/\s+/), [text]); const total = smooth ? words.length : text.length; useEffect(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let interval: NodeJS.Timeout; const startTyping = () => { setIndex((prevDir) => { if (direction === TypingDirection.Backward && prevDir === TypingDirection.Forward) { clearInterval(interval); } else if (direction === TypingDirection.Forward && prevDir === total - 1) { clearInterval(interval); } return prevDir + direction; }); }; interval = setInterval(startTyping, delay); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, [total, direction, delay]); useEffect(() => { let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout; if (index >= total && repeat) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { setDirection(-1); }, waitTime); } if (index <= 0 && repeat) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { setDirection(1); }, waitTime); } return () => clearTimeout(timeout); }, [index, total, repeat, waitTime]); useEffect(() => { if (index === total && !repeat) { setIsComplete(true); onComplete?.(); } }, [index, total, repeat, onComplete]); const waitingNextCycle = index === total || index === 0; return ( <div className={cn("relative font-mono", className)}> {!grow && <div className="invisible">{text}</div>} <div className={cn({ "absolute inset-0 h-full w-full": !grow, })} > {smooth ? ( <SmoothEffect words={words} index={index} alwaysVisibleCount={alwaysVisibleCount ?? 1} /> ) : ( <NormalEffect text={text} index={index} alwaysVisibleCount={alwaysVisibleCount ?? 1} /> )} <CursorWrapper waiting={waitingNextCycle} visible={Boolean(!smooth && cursor && (!hideCursorOnComplete || !isComplete))} > {cursor} </CursorWrapper> </div> </div> ); } export default function TypingText({ text, repeat = true, cursor = <Blinker />, delay = 32, className, grow = false, alwaysVisibleCount = 1, smooth = false, waitTime, onComplete, hideCursorOnComplete = false, }: TypingTextProps) { return ( <Type key={text} delay={delay ?? 32} waitTime={waitTime ?? 1000} grow={grow} repeat={repeat} text={text} cursor={cursor} className={className} smooth={smooth} alwaysVisibleCount={alwaysVisibleCount} onComplete={onComplete} hideCursorOnComplete={hideCursorOnComplete} /> ); }
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