An interactive grid background component.
It will create a new file interactive-grid.tsx inside the components/animata/background directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/background && touch components/animata/background/interactive-grid.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; function useGridLayout() { const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const [layout, setLayout] = useState({ vertical: 0, horizontal: 0 }); useEffect(() => { const updateLayout = () => { const rect = containerRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!rect) { return; } setLayout({ vertical: Math.floor(rect.height), horizontal: Math.floor(rect.width), }); }; updateLayout(); // Can be debounced if needed window.addEventListener("resize", updateLayout); return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", updateLayout); }, []); return { layout, containerRef, }; } function plotSquares(width: number, height: number, size: number): { x: number; y: number }[] { const squares: { x: number; y: number }[] = []; const boundary = size * 2; const used = new Set<number>(); for (let x = boundary; x < width / 2 - boundary; x += size) { for (let y = boundary; y < height - boundary; y += size) { // Custom logic to reduce the number of squares if ( used.has(x + y + size) || used.has(x + y - size) || used.has(x + y + size * 4) || used.has(x + y - size * 4) ) { continue; } used.add(x + y); squares.push({ x, y }); } } return squares; } const size = 24; // h-6 const boxClassName = "absolute h-6 w-6 rounded-md bg-transparent p-px border border-gray-400/30 border-box group "; function Grid() { const { layout: { vertical, horizontal }, containerRef, } = useGridLayout(); const squares = useMemo(() => plotSquares(horizontal, vertical, size), [horizontal, vertical]); const [active, setActive] = useState(0); const timerRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout>(); const onMouseEnter = useCallback(() => { if (timerRef.current) { clearInterval(timerRef.current); } const set = () => { const next = squares[Math.floor(Math.random() * squares.length) % squares.length]; setActive(next.x + next.y); }; set(); const cycleCount = 5; let count = 0; timerRef.current = setInterval(() => { if (count === cycleCount) { clearInterval(timerRef.current); setActive(0); return; } set(); count++; }, 1000); }, [squares]); const cells = useMemo(() => { return{ x, y }, i) => { let xPos = x; if (i % 2) { // Mirror the grid horizontally (50% of the time) xPos = horizontal - x - size; } const shouldHighlight = active - x === x || active - y === y; return ( <div key={`${x}-${y}`} style={{ transform: `translate(${xPos}px, ${y}px)`, }} onMouseEnter={onMouseEnter} onClick={onMouseEnter} className={boxClassName} > <div style={{ transitionDelay: active ? `${x + y}ms` : "0ms", }} className={cn( "h-full w-full scale-90 rounded bg-gray-400/30 opacity-0 transition-all duration-700", { "scale-100 opacity-100": shouldHighlight, "group-hover:scale-100 group-hover:opacity-100": !shouldHighlight, }, )} /> </div> ); }); }, [squares, horizontal, active, onMouseEnter]); return ( <div ref={containerRef} onClick={onMouseEnter} className={cn("absolute inset-0 h-full max-h-96 w-full", { "top-1/4": vertical > 96 * 4, // 96 * 4 is the height of the grid })} > {cells} </div> ); } export default function InteractiveGrid({ children, className, contentClassName, }: { children: React.ReactNode; className?: string; contentClassName?: string; }) { return ( <div className={cn("storybook-fix relative h-full w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl", className)} style={{ backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(123deg, transparent 0%, transparent 36%,rgba(17, 17, 57,0.02) 36%, rgba(17, 17, 87,0.02) 56%,transparent 56%, transparent 100%),linear-gradient(251deg, transparent 0%, transparent 68%,rgba(3, 3, 3,0.02) 68%, rgba(3, 3, 93,0.02) 99%,transparent 99%, transparent 100%),linear-gradient(135deg, rgb(200,215,255),rgb(205,215,255))", }} > <Grid /> <div className={cn("relative mx-auto h-full w-fit", contentClassName)}>{children}</div> </div> ); }
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