A component that creates lines using fibonacci numbers
It will create a new file fibonacci-lines.tsx inside the components/animata/container directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/container && touch components/animata/container/fibonacci-lines.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; function fibonacci(n: number): number { if (n <= 1) return n; return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); } export default function FibonacciLines({ reverse, className, children, ...props }: { reverse?: boolean } & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) { return ( <div className={cn("flex w-full", className, { "flex-col-reverse": reverse, "flex-col": !reverse, })} {...props} > {Array.from({ length: 10 }).map((_, i) => ( <div key={i} style={{ opacity: (i + 1) * 0.1, marginTop: fibonacci(i) + 2, }} className="w-full" > <div className="h-px w-full bg-foreground/10" /> </div> ))} {children} </div> ); }
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