This widget notifies the user about a security alert in the system.
npm install lucide-react
It will create a new file called security-alert.tsx inside the components/animata/widget directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/widget && touch components/animata/widget/security-alert.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import React from "react"; import { TriangleAlert } from "lucide-react"; const SecurityAlert = () => { const riskValue = "139 532", time = "30m", numberOfIssue = 2; return ( <div className="flex size-52 flex-col items-center gap-1 overflow-hidden rounded-3xl bg-black"> <div className="h-5 w-full bg-striped" /> <div className="flex h-full flex-col gap-1 px-4 pb-4"> <div className="mt-1 px-4 text-lg text-gray-300">Security is at Risk</div> <div className="w-full text-center text-2xl font-bold text-white">{riskValue}</div> <div className="my-1 flex w-full flex-1 items-center justify-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm text-gray-400">{time} ago</div> <div className="rounded-lg bg-zinc-600 px-2 py-1 text-sm text-gray-300">Quick scan</div> </div> <div className="mt-auto flex animate-blink-red items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl border-2 border-red-500 px-10 py-2 font-bold"> <TriangleAlert className="fill-red-500 stroke-red-800" /> <div className="text-red-500">{numberOfIssue} Items</div> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export default SecurityAlert;
Built by Sanjaya Acharya