
Calorie Counter

A calorie counter for your app


Install dependencies

This uses DonutChart for the progress bar. Install it by following the instructions here.

Run the following command

It will create a new file called calorie-counter.tsx inside the components/animata/widget directory.

mkdir -p components/animata/widget && touch components/animata/widget/calorie-counter.tsx

Paste the code

Open the newly created file and paste the following code:

"use client";
import DonutChart from "@/animata/graphs/donut-chart";
interface ICalorieCounterProps {
  goal: number;
  fulfilled: number;
  image: string;
export const testCalorieCounterProps: ICalorieCounterProps = {
  goal: 4000,
  fulfilled: 120,
export default function CalorieCounter({
  goal = testCalorieCounterProps.goal,
  fulfilled = testCalorieCounterProps.fulfilled,
  image = testCalorieCounterProps.image,
}: ICalorieCounterProps) {
  return (
    <div className="calorie-container relative flex h-96 w-52 flex-col items-center justify-start gap-4 rounded-3xl border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-100 px-5 py-3 dark:border-none dark:bg-slate-800 sm:w-72">
      <div className="day-date flex w-full flex-row items-center justify-between pt-2">
          <p className="day text-gray-400">Monday</p>
          <p className="date font-md text-xl dark:text-white">25 October</p>
        <img alt="image" src={image} className="h-10 w-10 rounded-full" />
        progress={(fulfilled / goal) * 100}
        progressClassName="dark:text-cyan-300 text-green-400"
        className="relative m-2 flex items-center justify-center"
      <div className="goal absolute bottom-8 flex h-14 w-56 items-center justify-between rounded-xl border-gray-100 bg-gray-400 bg-opacity-10 bg-clip-padding px-4 backdrop-blur-sm backdrop-filter sm:w-64">
        <p className="dark:text-white">Your goal</p>
        <p className="font-bold text-orange-300">{goal}Cal</p>
      <div className="fulfilled absolute top-40 flex flex-col items-center">
        <p className="text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-200">Today</p>
        <p className="font-md text-xl dark:text-white">{fulfilled}Cal</p>


Built by Aadarsh Baral