List component with orbiting items. The items orbit around the center of an element in 3D Ellipse.
npm install lucide-react
Add the following to your tailwind.config.js file.
module.exports = { theme: { extend: { keyframes: { float: { '0%, 100%': { transform: 'translateY(0)' }, '50%': { transform: 'translateY(-40px)' }, }, }, animation: { float: 'float 3s ease-in-out infinite', }, } } }
It will create a new file orbiting-items-3-d.tsx inside the components/animata/list directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/list && touch components/animata/list/orbiting-items-3-d.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { Apple, BadgeCent, BadgeInfo, BadgeX, Banana, Bolt } from "lucide-react"; import { Icons } from "@/components/icons"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export const CenterIcon = ( <Icons.logo className="center z-0 h-32 w-32 animate-float rounded-full bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-400 to-blue-400 shadow-lg" style={{ boxShadow: "0 0 20px 10px rgba(128, 90, 213, 0.6)", }} /> ); export const LucideIcons = [ <Banana key="banana" className="h-12 w-12" />, <Bolt key="bolt" className="h-12 w-12" />, <BadgeX key="badge-x" className="h-12 w-12" />, <BadgeCent key="badge-cent" className="h-12 w-12" />, <BadgeInfo key="badge-info" className="h-12 w-12" />, <Apple key="apple" className="h-12 w-12" />, ]; interface OrbitingItems3DProps { /** * The radius of the ellipse on X-axis in percentage, relative to the container. */ radiusX: number; /** * The radius of the ellipse on Y-axis in percentage, relative to the container. */ radiusY: number; /** * The angle at which ellipse is tilted to x-axis. */ tiltAngle: number; /** * The time taken for the revolution around the center element. */ duration: number; /** * The items to orbit around the center of the parent element. */ items: React.ReactNode[]; /** * Class name for the background element. */ backgroundClassName?: string; /** * Class name for the container element. */ containerClassName?: string; /** * Additional classes for the item container. */ className?: string; } export default function OrbitingItems3D({ radiusX = 120, radiusY = 30, tiltAngle = 360 - 30, duration = 25, items = LucideIcons, backgroundClassName, containerClassName, className, }: OrbitingItems3DProps) { // The OrbitingItems3D component creates an animated elliptical orbiting effect for a set of items around a central element. // It allows for a visually dynamic layout, where items revolve around the center in a smooth, continuous motion, // creating the illusion of 3D movement. The component provides a range of customizable options to control the orbit, // including the size of the elliptical path, tilt angle, and animation duration. const CalculateItemStyle = ({ index, radiusX, radiusY, totalItems, tiltAngle, duration, }: { index: number; radiusX: number; radiusY: number; totalItems: number; tiltAngle: number; duration: number; }) => { const angleStep = 360 / totalItems; const [angle, setAngle] = useState(index * angleStep); useEffect(() => { const animation = setInterval(() => { setAngle((prevAngle) => (prevAngle + 1) % 360); }, duration); return () => clearInterval(animation); }, [duration]); // Calculate the current angle for the item on the orbit const radians = (angle * Math.PI) / 180; // X and Y positions before tilt const x = radiusX * Math.cos(radians); const y = radiusY * Math.sin(radians); // Apply the tilt using rotation matrix const tiltRadians = (tiltAngle * Math.PI) / 180; const xTilted = x * Math.cos(tiltRadians) - y * Math.sin(tiltRadians); const yTilted = x * Math.sin(tiltRadians) + y * Math.cos(tiltRadians); const zIndex = angle > 180 ? -1 : 1; const scale = angle < 180 ? 1.2 : 1.0; return { left: `${50 + xTilted}%`, top: `${50 + yTilted}%`, transform: `translate(-50%, -50%) scale(${scale})`, zIndex: zIndex, transition: "transform 0.8s ease-in-out", }; }; const reverse = cn("transition-transform ease-linear direction-reverse repeat-infinite"); return ( <div className={cn( "storybook-fix group flex items-center justify-center py-32", containerClassName, )} > <div className={cn( "absolute inset-0 -z-10 h-full w-full items-center bg-gradient-to-r from-violet-200 to-pink-200", backgroundClassName, )} /> <div className={cn( "relative flex h-64 w-64 items-center justify-center ease-linear repeat-infinite", className, )} > {CenterIcon} {, index) => { return ( <div key={index} className="absolute flex h-20 w-20 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-white/30 shadow-xl shadow-purple-500/30 backdrop-blur-md transition-transform duration-500 ease-out" style={CalculateItemStyle({ index, radiusX, radiusY, tiltAngle, totalItems: items.length, duration, })} > <div className={reverse}>{item}</div> </div> ); })} </div> </div> ); }
Built by Vishal