A grid background component
It will create a new file called grid.tsx inside the components/animata/background directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/background && touch components/animata/background/grid.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
interface GridProps { /** * Color of the grid */ color?: string; /** * Size of the grid in pixels */ size?: number; /** * Content of the component */ children?: React.ReactNode; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; } function Placeholder({ size = 20 }: Pick<GridProps, "size">) { const widthSpread = 20; const heightSpread = 10; return ( <div style={{ // +1 to account for the border width: `${widthSpread * size + 1}px`, height: `${heightSpread * size + 1}px`, }} className="flex max-h-full max-w-full items-center justify-center" > <div className="rounded bg-white px-4 py-2">This has grid background</div> </div> ); } export default function Grid({ color = "#cacaca", size = 20, children, className, style = { backgroundColor: "white", }, }: GridProps) { return ( <div style={{ ...style, backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(${color} 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(to right, ${color} 1px, transparent 1px)`, backgroundSize: `${size}px ${size}px`, }} className={className} > {children ?? <Placeholder size={size} />} </div> ); }
Built by hari
Based on pattern.css by bansal.io