Mobile Detail
Mobile widget
Install dependencies
npm install lucide-react
Run the following command
It will create a new file called mobile-detail.tsx
inside the components/animata/widget
mkdir -p components/animata/widget && touch components/animata/widget/mobile-detail.tsx
Paste the code
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { BatteryMedium, Cpu, Database, Volume1 } from "lucide-react";
interface ProgressBarData {
label: string;
value: number;
max: number;
icon?: JSX.Element;
const progressBarsData: ProgressBarData[] = [
label: "Battery",
value: 25,
max: 100,
icon: (
className="text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300"
label: "Volume",
value: 50,
max: 100,
icon: (
<Volume1 size={10} className="text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300" />
label: "Ram",
value: 75,
max: 100,
icon: <Cpu size={10} className="text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300" />,
label: "Storage",
value: 90,
max: 100,
icon: (
<Database size={10} className="text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300" />
export default function MobileDetail() {
return (
<div className="grid size-52 grid-cols-2 grid-rows-2 gap-4 rounded-3xl bg-zinc-900 p-4">
{ => {
const percentage = (bar.value / bar.max) * 100;
return (
className="group relative flex flex-col-reverse overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800"
<div className="w-full bg-stone-700" style={{ height: `${percentage}%` }} />
<div className="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center">
{bar.icon && <div className="absolute left-2 top-2">{bar.icon}</div>}
<p className="text-xs font-bold text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300">
<p className="text-[10px] font-bold text-zinc-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-zinc-300">
Built by Sumin Gurung