A hero section showcasing product features
npm install framer-motion react-wrap-balancer
It will create a new file product-features.tsx inside the components/animata/hero directory.
mkdir -p components/animata/hero && touch components/animata/hero/product-features.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
import { ReactNode } from "react"; import { HTMLMotionProps, motion, useSpring, useTransform } from "framer-motion"; import Balancer from "react-wrap-balancer"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; interface FeatureCardProps extends HTMLMotionProps<"div"> { feature: { title: ReactNode; category: string; imageUrl: string; }; zIndexOffset?: number; } function FeatureCard({ feature, className, zIndexOffset = 0, ...props }: FeatureCardProps) { const { title, category, imageUrl } = feature; const springValue = useSpring(0, { bounce: 0, }); const zIndex = useTransform(springValue, (value) => +Math.floor(value * 10) + 10 + zIndexOffset); const scale = useTransform(springValue, [0, 1], [1, 1.1]); const content = ( <> <img src={imageUrl} alt="" className="-z-1 absolute inset-0 h-full w-full object-cover" /> <div className="z-10 flex h-full w-full flex-col gap-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-zinc-800/40 from-15% to-transparent p-3"> <small className="inline w-fit rounded-xl bg-orange-950 bg-opacity-50 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium leading-none text-white"> {category} </small> <div className="flex-1" /> <h3 className="rounded-xl bg-blue-950 bg-opacity-30 p-3 text-base font-bold leading-none text-white backdrop-blur-sm"> {title} </h3> </div> </> ); const containerClassName = cn( "relative flex h-64 w-48 flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-2xl shadow-none transition-shadow duration-300 ease-in-out hover:shadow-xl", className, ); return ( <> <motion.div onMouseEnter={() => springValue.set(1)} onMouseLeave={() => springValue.set(0)} style={{ zIndex, scale, }} className={cn(containerClassName, "hidden sm:flex")} {...props} > {content} </motion.div> <motion.div initial={{ y: 100 }} whileInView={{ y: 0, transition: { duration: 0.5 } }} className={cn(containerClassName, "flex sm:hidden")} > {content} </motion.div> </> ); } export default function ProductFeatures() { const cardWidth = 48 * 4; // w-48 x 4 const angle = 6; const yOffset = 30; return ( <section className="storybook-fix flex w-full flex-col items-center gap-4 bg-orange-50 py-10"> <motion.header initial={{ y: 100, opacity: 0, }} animate={{ y: 0, opacity: 1, transition: { duration: 0.5, }, }} className="flex max-w-md flex-col items-center gap-2 text-center" > <h1 className="text-3xl font-black text-orange-600">Pots of Joy: Ceramic Chic!</h1> <Balancer className="block text-lg text-neutral-500"> Quirky ceramics for happy spaces. From sleek vases to funky mugs, we've got your shelves covered. </Balancer> </motion.header> <motion.div initial={{ y: 100, opacity: 0, }} animate={{ y: 0, opacity: 1, transition: { duration: 0.5, }, }} > <button className="box-border inline-block h-11 transform-gpu cursor-pointer touch-manipulation whitespace-nowrap rounded-full border-b-4 border-solid border-transparent bg-orange-600 px-4 py-3 text-center text-sm font-bold uppercase leading-5 tracking-wider text-white shadow-2xl outline-none transition-all duration-200 hover:brightness-110 active:border-b-0 active:border-t-4 active:bg-none disabled:cursor-auto" role="button" > Ready to clay → <span className="absolute inset-0 -z-10 rounded-full border-b-4 border-solid border-transparent bg-orange-500" /> </button> </motion.div> <div className="relative flex w-full flex-wrap justify-center gap-8 px-4 py-12 sm:flex-row sm:gap-0"> <FeatureCard feature={{ category: "Vases", imageUrl: "https://assets.lummi.ai/assets/QmSxHGeLuiXMzUSFM9hhVJToRXVeQCBEtno96zgAXB3uVN?auto=format&w=400", title: "Elegant Swirling Glass Vase", }} initial={{ x: cardWidth, y: yOffset, opacity: 0, rotate: 0, scale: 0.9, }} animate={{ x: yOffset, y: 10, opacity: 1, scale: 0.95, rotate: -angle, transition: { type: "spring", delay: 0.8, }, }} /> <FeatureCard feature={{ category: "Jugs", title: "Artisanal Ceramic Jug", imageUrl: "https://assets.lummi.ai/assets/QmaUXibkkKYu6Y3TzwE71ytVrPqecXiG4URAPZuqqzxz6R?auto=format&w=400", }} initial={{ y: yOffset, opacity: 0, }} animate={{ y: 0, opacity: 1, transition: { type: "spring", delay: 0.4, }, }} zIndexOffset={1} /> <FeatureCard feature={{ category: "Bottles", title: "Colorful Gradient Glass Bottle", imageUrl: "https://assets.lummi.ai/assets/QmYXzaoAXsA71sz3Uv3fXytMKDoBHs1twQN3eCcrvr7AJf?auto=format&w=400", }} initial={{ x: -cardWidth, y: yOffset, opacity: 0, rotate: 0, scale: 0.9, }} animate={{ x: -yOffset, y: 10, opacity: 1, rotate: angle, scale: 0.95, transition: { type: "spring", delay: 0.6, }, }} /> </div> </section> ); }
Built by hari
Images from Lummi